Absolute implements Kanban on recruitment and retention process

                  Absolute implements Kanban on recruitment and retention process

For a manpower company like us recruitment and retention of manpower is one of the key task we are involved in. To control high drop out between recruitment and deployment of guards, we have decided to implement Kanban technique by using outsourced quality consultant. This has in turn helped us to increase our retention rate of guards and house keeping staff by more than 5%, helping us remain a cost effective firm vis-a vis competitor.

Advertisement in Business World – EO Special Edition
We are delighted to inform you that we have given an advertisement on the back cover page of Business World (Special Edition of EO). Our Director got this opportunity as he is a member of EO (Entrepreneur Organisation), Delhi Chapter.

The cost of compliances has increased substantially because of increase in minimum wages and our inability to pay salary and bonus in cash. We always try to be compliance conscious. As a result, some of you also have been asked to increase payments to Absolute in last couple of months, which let me assure has been completely passed on to the  guards and housekeeping staff.


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