CCTV Monitoring by Absolute

                                                            CCTV Monitoring by Absolute

We all know that CCTV Systems are a great deterrent to potential thieves and also to catch them subsequently. However, we can now also use them to monitor our guard’s activities at your site by getting on-line access. In this, we get an access of cctv installed at your premises and through which we can live view our guards and also download the file for a particular period.Then subsequently we can send you a weekly report on all the activities the guard was expected to perform e.g. frisking or making entries in the register etc. Like recently Hotel Silver Oaks was facing problem in their grocery purchases. Guards used to take the material from the vendor without weighing it, in-spite of briefing him. To solve this recurring problem we installed the cctv at the premises of Hotel Silver Oaks on a very reasonable cost. Now, we download the data for a week and select one day on a random basis and give a report on whether guard is taking all the grocery items after proper weighing or not. Client is peaceful that guards are for sure weighing all the material that is supposed to be weighed.

All this comes at very small cost. Kindly call Mr. Pramod Dubey at +91-9811643150 to know more about it.

Monthly Report

From the month of July, we have begun with a monthly report which will cover the following important points:-

1. ESI/PF Details: This ensures whether the guard deployed on the post is covered
under ESI & PF as per the Govt. policy.

2. Post Duty Manual (PDM): PDM explains the detailed job description of the guard
at the post deployed.

3. Surprise Check on Holidays & beyond Working Hours:Random checks done
during the period guards are likely to be least likely to perform duties well.

4. Client Feedback: We will give you details of the feedback signed by you.
This would reach by 5
thday of every month.

PSARA Licences Update
We take pleasure in informing you that we have successfully renewed the PASARA Licence to operate in Delhi.

Hence, we are here to cater your requirements without any interruption.

Know The Staff Member

This quarter we would like to introduce Mr. Pramod Kumar Dubey. He started working with us as a Field officer (FO) and now is the Customer Relation Manager (CRM). He has been associated with us for over 5 years. He has also worked in Securitas India for more than 4 years. His role is to follow up on every issue and ensure complete satisfaction. He is happily
married for 25 years and has three children. His hobby is to play cricket and listening to soft music.

Clients this Quarter
Some of the Clients whom we have signed up or have given us Business in this Quarter are :


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