Special Incentives To Be Given To Guards From Client's Side

                                    Special Incentives To Be Given To Guards From Client's Side

It has been observed at times thatthe client is happy with a particular guard and wishes to reward him monetary. We do not necessarily encourage it however if he still wishes to pay him, he can rather than paying him directly he can route any such incentive via the company. We would pass on the full amount to the guard without any additional service charges besides bearing te extra ESI amount applicable on it.

Absolute Opens Office in Gurugram
As more and more clients based out of Gurgaon are trusting us, we have decided to open a full-fledged recruitment and training office at 42/38, 1st Floor, Vashisth Complex, Rajeev Colony, Gurugram. The office is conveniently located next to Rajeev Chowk on NH-8. This office should help us in recruiting and training more guards serving this region and hence would lead to overcoming shortage of manpower that we face at times in this region. The office has fullfledged training room and training will be imparted through digitised content.

Information Every Quarter
Know the Process
Feedback Form
Absolute has changed its feedback form and has based it on Net Promoters Score (NPS),which is one of the most popular method of taking feedback in the world. You just need to answer one question: How satisfied are you with the service? instead of filling couple of questions previously. We have also stopped basing Security guard incentive on the feedback score. We hope to continue receiving positive feedback from you in times to come.

Know the Staff Member

Mr Komal Singh, Assistant Security Manager (ASM) This quarter we would like to introduce Mr. Komal Singh, Area Security Manager. He graduated in M.Com. He started working with us as a Field Officer and due to his performance got promoted to Assistant Security Manager. He has been associated with us for over 4 years. He has a total work experience of 13 years and has worked for various reputed security companies prior to joining us. He plays a vital role in our organization with two field Officers reporting to him and is responsible for smooth flow of operations. He is a
dedicated employee and is a good team player. Komal is happily married for 15 years and has two children. He loves playing cricket.


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