Absolute gets security leadership award for 2019

                                             Absolute gets security leadership award for 2019

We are pleased to inform you that security leadership award has been given to Mr. Ravi Kapur, Managing Director of Absolute Security for the year 2019. This has been given in recognition of his outstanding commitment and relentless service to the profession of Private Security of Central Association of Private Security Industry.
Annual Get-Together Celebrated
Absolute has been celebrating its Annual day from over 25 years now on 25th Dec and this year also the celebration was done on 25th Dec' 19. It was a fun filled event attended by over 200 staff along with their family members from all over India. Lots of stage performances were given by the staff and their kids. DJ was in attendance and all enjoyed the Music by dancing. Various games and activities were played like musical chairs. Long service awards were distributed. It was a day well spent with all the staff and their family members.

Read More...Security Agency Facility Management Company in Delhi, Gurgaon, Noida NCR


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